It’s natural to feel nervous when you forget something, knowing that Alzheimer’s disease now affects 5.3 million Americans. But a memory slip doesn’t always mean the worst. According to KPHO, the following five situations point toward normal, age-related memory loss.
- Lapses Don’t Interfere With Everyday Life
Slowed recall of information from time to time is normal — erverybody forgets stuff. What’s not normal is when memory impairment interferes with your ability to get through the day.
- You See an Improvement After ‘Brain Training’
Dementia is not a problem of retrieving old memories so much as it is is an inability to form new ones. If you can still learn new things, you’re still forming new memories.
- You’ve Just Started A New Medication
Drug side effects are one of the more common causes of memory trouble.
- Nobody Else Seems To Notice Anything’s Amiss
Usually, there’s a lot of family friction around the kind of memory loss that predates a diagnosis — arguments over who neglected to do something, missed appointments, or forgotten messages.
- You’re Forgetful When Stressed, Sleep Deprived or Multitasking
A stressed brain is not the same thing as a demented brain.
KPHO December 9, 2010
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Eric Bravo
Whittier Ca.