The Body Fat Challenge.

Hello everyone.
Here it is. My challenge to you for 2009. We are launching two contest for the New Year. Click on the link below and watch the video. You will need to register on January 2nd. Details are on the site or contact me for more info.
As an addition to The IsaBody Challenge, we will be running The Body Fat Challenge here at Back 2 Basics Training.  This is a team event.  If you don’t have a team, we’ll help build one with you.  There will be two categories. The first category is for teams 350lbs or less. This is their combined weight. The next category is 351lbs plus. Each team is to made up of 2-3 people max. The last day to enter this month is Tuesday January 6th. There will be monthly prizes to the team that shows the greatest body fat percent reduction.  Before photos are a must. They will only be shared with your trainer unless you authorize others. Before and after pictures are a powerful tool in keeping you inspired.  Photos must be taken every 4 weeks!  We have set a up a powerful support system for all of you. You will have access to multiple coaches by phone, e-mail and in person. You must be enrolled as an associate or preferred customer through our Isagenix network. Contact me for more info. You don’t have to be a client to participate in these contests. This means you can build your team with family and friends. Your chance of succeeding as a team is greater than doing it alone. The winners will be announced on Friday February 6th. In the event of a tie, the trainers will assign a physical challenge for the teams to compete in. The challenge will be whatever our devious little minds think up. hehehe.
Contact me immediately. We have to prep you guys by Tuesday. Reply to this e-mail or call me at (562) 665-9416.
Lets rock 2009!
Your rocking coach, Eric Bravo.

Personal Trainer, Whittier Ca

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